
用于社区外展, 请联系[email protected]

Cards from patients


我们的 所有年龄段的患者 are part of our family, and we are immensely thankful for your dental recommendations and referrals to your friends and families.

It’s our honor to serve as your dentist from your childhood and well into adulthood!

我们对健康进行了深入的投资, 安全, 以及我们邻居的成功, 通过我们的社区合作伙伴关系,我们找到了令人兴奋的新方法来为我们的患者和社区服务.

有兴趣一起工作? 我们很乐意取得联系!

感谢您几代人对 Parklane Dental 团队的信任!


community sponsor

每年, Parklane Dental carries out our mission to teach儿童口腔卫生 at local pre-k and elementary schools.

With our biggest outreach program, “给孩子一个微笑”, we reach thousands of kids in our local community.

与我们的 Parklane Dental 医生团队一起, 博士. 埃里克 has taught over thousands of young students throughout Los Angeles.

在每次学校访问时, our dental team teaches thousands of kids about the important of dental health. During our visits, our doctors teach students healthy dental habits.

Each student receive a cute dental oral care kit with goodies to help start their oral hygiene habits at home!

Doctors with a group of kids
Doctors talking to a group of kids

Explore Give Kids A Smile 2022!


阅读以博士为特色的牙科杂志的女性. 来自 Parklane 牙科的 Eric To每个月, 博士. Eric To通过我们的每月时事通讯分享最新的牙科技巧和技术! 保持牙齿健康, 并在帕克兰牙科医院与我们的患者家属一起!

作为 Parklane Dental 的一名患者, 您将在我们与社区的定期沟通中收到



CDA building front我们的许多团队成员都在阿卡迪亚长大, 天普市, 和洛杉矶!

As healthcare providers, we are incredibly proud to support our dental students and volunteers in their dental careers!

Training the next generation of dental professionals is our duty to help our community remain healthy with a new team of doctors and dentists to serve your dental needs.

恭喜我们刚毕业 医生 来自我们的 Parklane Dental 牙科实习和影子团队!

如果您有兴趣为未来的学生了解更多关于牙科领域的知识, 请与我们联系 [email protected] 学习机会.


Preschool Visit from Cosmetic Dentist from Parklane Dental in ArcadiaHelping our patients means helping our community!

We love giving back to our community to help improve the health for both kids and adults in our neighborhood.

As doctors, we treat our patients mostly at our smile makeover dental centers in Arcadia and in Temple City. But all our doctors are passionate about improving community access to dental care.

That means our doctors love to support the passionate charities in our cities!

It’s our joy to inspire kids and adults to take an active role in their dental health!


Dr. To presents police with a giant checkPatients in Arcadia appreciate our support for the health of our community!

As proud Arcadians and Arcadia High School Apaches ourselves, 我们的 微笑改头换面 experts are invested in the health and wellbeing of our neighbors in Arcadia.

To protect our community, our dental team in Arcadia is proud to support our efforts of the 阿卡迪亚警察局 为了保证我们的安全.

Supporting the health of our community means helping in what we can with those who safeguards our neighbors!


General and Cosmetic Doctor Donating Dental Goodies to LA County SheriffOur dental team in Temple City also loves to participate in festivals and arts in our community!

As proud sponsor of the天普市山茶花节, we love seeing young kids become dental role models for their friends and classmates.

Supporting our schools is part of our mission to deliver smiles to patients of all ages in our community.

Although our young friends might not need cosmetic veneers or dental implants, students are excited for our 给孩子一个微笑 school visits in Los Angeles!

祝贺皇家法院在 2022!

kids and staff at Camellia festival


Parklane Dental Arcadia 参观小学牙科我们的社区对我们非常重要, 因为他们是我们关系的命脉.

我们真诚地相信回馈, 每年我们都致力于志愿服务并回馈当地的慈善机构和节日. My doctors are always exploring new ways to support our community.

用于社区外展, 请联系我们[email protected].

